Fill in the fields for a response message header that the server will send directly to the client.
Fill in the fields for a response message header that the server will send directly to the client. This function assumes the status code and status message have already been set on this HTTPMessage object
Get the query parameter with the specified name after percent decoding.
Access the headers (fpreq, fpres)
Access the path component (fpreq)
Get the query parameter with the specified name.
Access the query component (fpreq)
Check if query parameter with the specified name exists.
Returns true if this is a 1xx response.
Returns true if the version of this message is HTTP/1.0
Returns true if the version of this message is HTTP/1.1
@returns true if this HTTPMessage represents an HTTP request
@returns true if this HTTPMessage represents an HTTP response
Decrements Max-Forwards header, when present on OPTIONS or logDebug methods.
Get the query parameter with the specified name after percent decoding.
Remove the query parameter with the specified name.
Sets the query parameter with the specified name to the specified value.
Set the query string to the specified value, and recreate the url_.
Is this a chunked message? (fpreq, fpresp)
Set/Get client address
Set/Get destination (vip) address
Set/Get the local IP address
Access the status code (fpres)
Is this an upgraded message? (fpreq, fpresp)
The 12 standard fields for HTTP messages. Use accessors. An HTTPMessage is either a Request or Response. Once an accessor for either is used, that fixes the type of HTTPMessage. If an access is then used for the other type, a DCHECK will fail.