1 /*
2  * Collie - An asynchronous event-driven network framework using Dlang development
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2015-2016  Shanghai Putao Technology Co., Ltd 
5  *
6  * Developer: putao's Dlang team
7  *
8  * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.
9  *
10  */
11 module app;
13 import core.thread;
15 import std.datetime;
16 import std.stdio;
17 import std.functional;
18 import std.exception;
20 import collie.net;
21 import kiss.net.TcpStream;
22 import collie.net.client.client;
24 import core.thread;
25 import core.sync.semaphore;
27 @trusted class MyClient : BaseClient
28 {
29 	this()
30 	{
31 		super(new EventLoop());
32 	}
34 	void runInThread()
35 	{
36 		if (th !is null || isAlive)
37 			return;
38 		th = new Thread(() { eventLoop.run(); });
39 		th.start();
40 	}
42 	void syncConnet(Address addr)
43 	{
44 		if (sem is null)
45 		{
46 			sem = new Semaphore(0);
47 		}
48 		_sync = true;
49 		scope (failure)
50 			_sync = false;
51 		connect(addr, &onCreate);
52 		sem.wait();
53 	}
55 protected:
56 	override void onActive() nothrow
57 	{
58 		collectException({
59 			if (_sync)
60 				sem.notify();
61 			writeln("Connection succeeded!");
62 		}());
63 	}
65 	override void onFailure() nothrow
66 	{
67 		collectException({
68 			if (_sync)
69 				sem.notify();
70 			writeln("Connection failed!");
71 		}());
72 	}
74 	override void onClose() nothrow
75 	{
76 		collectException(writeln("Connection closed!"));
77 	}
79 	override void onRead(in ubyte[] data) nothrow
80 	{
81 		collectException(writeln("received data: ", cast(string) data));
82 	}
84 	override void onTimeout(Object sender)
85 	{
86 		collectException({
87 			if (isAlive)
88 			{
89 				writeln("Timer ticked!");
90 				string data = Clock.currTime().toSimpleString();
91 				write(cast(ubyte[]) data, null);
92 			}
93 		}());
94 	}
96 	void onCreate(TcpStream client)
97 	{
98 		// set client;
99 		//client.setKeepAlive(1200,2);
100 		writeln("A tcp client created!");
101 	}
103 private:
105 	Thread th;
106 	Semaphore sem;
107 	bool _sync = false;
108 }
110 void main()
111 {
112 	MyClient client = new MyClient();
113 	client.runInThread();
114 	client.setTimeout(60);
115 	client.tryCount(3);
116 	client.syncConnet(new InternetAddress("", 8090));
117 	// client.syncConnet(new InternetAddress("", 8090));
118 	//client.eventLoop.run();
119 	if (!client.isAlive)
120 	{
121 		writeln("Connection failed.");
122 		return;
123 	}
124 	while (true)
125 	{
126 		writeln("input data to send to server: ");
127 		string data = readln();
128 		if (data[$ - 1] == '\n')
129 			data = data[0 .. $ - 1];
130 		if (data == "exit" || data == "quit")
131 		{
132 			client.close();
133 			break;
134 		}
135 		client.write(cast(ubyte[]) data, null);
136 	}
137 }